6439 E Hampden Ave, Denver, CO 80222
(303) 756-6667

Mon-Sat 7a-8p
Sun 7a-7p

The Bagel Deli is a family-owned and operated deli where people come together for great food and fellowship. The Bagel is a great place to meet old friends, and make new ones, while enjoying everything you expect in a traditional deli.

Everything including...

Attitude; Corned Beef; Pastrami; Lox; Bagels; Cream Cheese; Chopped Liver; Familiar Faces; Rye Bread; Chicken Soup; Matzo; Challah; Friends; Kosher Salami; Giant Hot Dogs; Cheesecake; Rugulach; Knowledge; Brisket; Matzo Balls; Kreplach; Tradition, especially Tradition.